Monday 5 December 2011

Weekend Notes

Dinner party went well. Old friend, Frank Kane (whom some may remember from his sojourn in MPLS 25 (years ago) brought some fabulous cheese, called St. Félicien~- one of those wondrous, runny French ones that you eat zith a spoon. Frank is doinig very well: bingin up his two children, now aged 13 and 11 and working as a free-lance translator as well as giving workshops on singing and sound, on the continent and the UK. He recently acquired a British passport (his late mother was Scottish), so now he has triple-citizenship: American, French, and British.

Mozart Reqieum was glorious, as one would expect. Especially notable was the bass-baritone, an African American right out of central casting. He had the body of a Sumo wrestler and the voice of Paul Robeson. he also sang at Mass on Sunday morning: a duet of "Oh, What a Beautiful City", with a tenor; and "Deep River", accompanied by the "Cole Porter piano". (This is a unique, old Steinway, unusual in that it is decoratively painted - like an 18th C. harpsichord. Porter owned it and left it to the Cathedral)There is something satisfying about these classically-arranged Spirituals; sung with authentic Jazz intonation - bending the thirds, and improvizing some of the harmonies.

I came to Thiais (SE suburb; just east of Orly, of airport fame) to visit my old friend, Jean-loup (our AFS student in high school and my reason for visiting France as often as I have done). We had fun talking about old friends, philosophy, and polkitics. He made a delicious steak - a cut called hampe; He says it come from the knee of the steer, and that it is usually kept by the butcher. I cqn see why. One of the best I have tasted: cut very thin, but completely jicy and flavorful.

Now back to Suresnes to get ready to go to Barcelona.

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