Thursday 30 August 2018

North Platte to Boulder to Salida Springs.

The scenery changed abruptly at the Colorado border, from woods along the river to high plains barren. Got to Boulder early and spent the afternoon with the deRaismes. Rick Moody came over to talk for awhile and it was moist enjoyable.

I went on to Idaho Springs for a soak in the old spa there, and a restful night. Then off this morning through Breckenridge and over Hoosier Pass (>11,000 ft). VERY slowly because of a big semi and no passing on the road. OK with me - more time to observe the scenery, including a view of Pike's peak on the descent.. Slight giddiness from the altitude.

No room in Buena Vista, so I went on to Salida, where there is a nice spa and indoor pool. So I will skip Mt. Princeton and go on to Ojo Caliente tomorrow, I think. Labor Day weekend may be causing a problem with rooms.

Aspens are turning - some in full bloom.
Image result for rocky mountain aspens

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